Darrell Sibosado joins N.Smith Gallery.

N.Smith Gallery is thrilled to welcome WA-based artist Darrell Sibosado  as a represented artist.


Darrell Sibosado’s practice explores the innovative potential of the riji (pearl shell) designs of the Bard people within a contemporary context. Passed down over countless generations, the designs represent the detached scales of Aalingoon, the Rainbow Snake, as he rests on the ocean surface, shedding his scales containing traditional knowledge and beliefs.

Through his printmaking and installations, Darrell reflects on traditional Bard lore and is intent on reiterating that Aboriginal culture is a living, adaptive culture that undeniably commands a presence in the contemporary space. Recently, Sibosado has transformed these traditional Bard shell carving designs into large-scale light sculptures.

Darrell's first exhibition with N.Smith Gallery is scheduled for late 2024.

14 Jun 2023