• 'The choice of characters ties everything back to Chinese nostalgia. It’s a clash of contemporary characters with ones that have...

    'The choice of characters ties everything back to Chinese nostalgia. It’s a clash of contemporary characters with ones that have been around for more than 500 years...'

    ⁠For Casey Chen, the vessel represents all things enduring. History, family, & customs are recontextualised when childhood nostalgia is blended with long-standing East Asian ceramic traditions. By applying this imagery to hand-thrown plates and vessels, Chen creates a cultural pastiche – a dynamic conversation between traditional craft and contemporary perspective. N.Smith Gallery is delighted to present 108 Stars and Spirits – an exhibition of new porcelain vessels and bowls by by Casey Chen.


    108 Stars and Spirits is a reference to the bandit outlaws of the 108 Heroes that appear within the Water Margin – a Chinese story about a group of outlaws who become local heroes after first fighting the local government and later saving the region from a nomadic invasion. 


    ‘They’re morally grey characters that range from being fundamentally good (but aids and abets the actions of the bad characters) and straight up villainous. This was a book written during the Ming Dynasty and a lot of values and attitudes are incredibly backwards and dated to read. But this is a story that has stayed with me and is one of the Chinese classical novels that my Nan bought for me and encouraged me to read when I was younger.’

    Join Casey in the gallery Saturday 2 December 1–3pm to celebrate the opening of his exhibition. All welcome.

  • Casey Chen Song Jiang’s bannermen mount a military expedition, 2023 porcelain, ceramic colourants, enamels, gold lustre, and gold leaf; fired...
    Casey Chen
    Song Jiang’s bannermen mount a military expedition, 2023
    porcelain, ceramic colourants, enamels, gold lustre, and gold leaf; fired 5 times
    54 x 31.2 x 31.2 cm (including stand)
  • 'The idea of a 3 dimensional canvas to paint on was really appealing to me ... the nature of the medium also meant they were enduring as art objects and functional items.'

    • Casey Chen Military Maneuvers 5, 2023 glazed porcelain, ceramic colourants, enamels, gold lustre, and applied gold leaf; fired 5 times 50.5 x 25.5 x 25.5 cm
      Casey Chen
      Military Maneuvers 5, 2023
      glazed porcelain, ceramic colourants, enamels, gold lustre, and applied gold leaf; fired 5 times
      50.5 x 25.5 x 25.5 cm
    • Casey Chen Military Maneuvers 6, 2023 glazed porcelain, ceramic colourants, enamels, gold lustre, and applied gold leaf; fired 5 times 51 x 24.8 x 24.8 cm
      Casey Chen
      Military Maneuvers 6, 2023
      glazed porcelain, ceramic colourants, enamels, gold lustre, and applied gold leaf; fired 5 times
      51 x 24.8 x 24.8 cm
  • Casey Chen A Clash of the 36 Heavenly Spirits, 2023 glazed porcelain, ceramic colourants, enamels, gold lustre, and applied gold...
    Casey Chen
    A Clash of the 36 Heavenly Spirits, 2023
    glazed porcelain, ceramic colourants, enamels, gold lustre, and applied gold leaf; fired 5 times
    41.5 x 26.5 x 26.5 cm
    • Casey Chen Song Jiang's ceremonial wine bowl, 2023 glazed porcelain, ceramic colourants, enamels, and gold lustre; fired 5 times 6.5 x 10 x 10 cm
      Casey Chen
      Song Jiang's ceremonial wine bowl, 2023
      glazed porcelain, ceramic colourants, enamels, and gold lustre; fired 5 times
      6.5 x 10 x 10 cm
    • Casey Chen Borrowing a Page from History, 2023 glazed porcelain, ceramic colourants, enamels, gold lustre, and applied gold leaf; fired 5 times 13.5 x 14.4 x 14.5 cm
      Casey Chen
      Borrowing a Page from History, 2023
      glazed porcelain, ceramic colourants, enamels, gold lustre, and applied gold leaf; fired 5 times
      13.5 x 14.4 x 14.5 cm
  • 108 Stars and Spirits.

    As a non-archaeologist person (me, maybe you too) I am astounded at the amount of time and effort historian, archaeologist types spend on the study of broken ceramic pieces recovered from a time before them. Analysing individual shards down to their molecular level, filling out page after page with the measurements of minutia that appear to most people as the ultimate bore. But what us outsiders don't realise is that archaeologists discovered long ago that these details collected on each piece of fired clay act as a window into the lives of those who made and used these vessels. What did they eat for breakfast? How many people lived in their house? How did they organise their lives? Who are they! In many societies, past and present, ceramic and porcelain vessels are a regular, and often invisible part of everyday life. However, as Ursula K. Le Guin aptly deduced, the vessel is humanity's greatest invention, before the tool that forces energy outward, we made the tool that forces energy inwards. The vessel resembles us and our lives perfectly; the jar, the net made of hair, the home, the body: containers to contain us. 


    For Casey Chen, the vessel represents all things enduring: history, family, customs–recontextualising traditional Chinese ceramics with motifs from both traditional Chinese folklore and nostalgic pop-culture; his ceramics, like any piece of material culture, is woven into the complex tapestry of his life–the minutiae of every vessel acting as a key to unlocking who Casey Chen is and why he makes what he makes. Beginning with the outside, the glaze, that glassy coating that encases the vessel, traditional Chinese painting techniques–wucai and doucai onglaze– paint the oldest recorded narrative in Mandarin, Water Margin alongside some iconic figures from the childhood cartoons Chen watched: Bugs Bunny, Doraemon and Willie the Giant. Encouraging a sideways conversation between histories and cultures, incorporating tradition with a contemporaneous flair, Chen is embracing the fictional kinship of the characters and Heroes from both worlds, East and West, and monumentalising them in the ultimate act of fandom. 


    Some of the forms these works take: baluster mallet vase, lidded potiche and meiping (plum vase) highlight the way we privilege the utilitarian at the expense of the non-utilitarian, symbolic or cultural performance ceramic vessels can host. I found myself asking, “is that a vase?’ instead of admiring the deftly painted, expertly rendered form. What I like about Chen’s work is not only how we can see the hand unearthing memories from the mind, but how we can see the whole body too. The height of the vessel profiles the length of the arm; the polygonal body with rounded shoulders and tapered neck mimicking the posture of Chen at work; the lusty gold Kintsugi lines tying the sometsuke (Japanese) and wucai (Chinese) influences in visceral teamwork. Each vessel is an intimate portrait of a life to date–what has influenced it, nourished it, raised it. 

    Ceramic vessels are made frequently, broken often, have excellent preservation, and can be made into endless varieties to suit various needs. Getting close to Chen’s work, one stood out: golden lines fusing shards together, it broke in my bag, Chen quipped. Aptly titled ‘Borrowing a Page from History’, each shard admitting an intimate detail about Chen, this vessel is a tool, a symbol and a sign–pulling from Chen's past and simultaneously preserving his future. Chen’s work comfortably exists at the intersection of tradition and contemporary, of form and function, of the now and then. And it's because of this, that Chen’s work feels like a reminder that, like vessels, we’re all just upright containers and arenas for our lives.

  • Bio.


    Casey Chen’s ceramics practice references historical illustrations from an eclectic mix of folklore, mythology and pop culture.

    Blending childhood nostalgia with long-standing East Asian ceramic traditions, Chen applies his imagery to hand-thrown plates and vases, which are then fused with geometric patterns from traditional sources. The result is a cultural pastiche, and a dynamic conversation between traditional craft and contemporary perspective.


    Casey’s recent work draws upon imagery and motifs from the archetypal tales of the four great classic novels of Chinese literature: Romance of the Three KingdomsJourney to the WestWater Margin and Dream of the Red Chamber. His resulting works are both a self-exploration and an homage to the rich and enduring history of Chinese porcelain craft and Japanese ukiyo-e woodblock prints.


    Chen graduated from the National Art School in December 2020 with a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree majoring in ceramics, and was the recipient of the annual Harvey Galleries National Art School Exhibition award. Casey has been a finalist in numerous awards, and won the Muswellbrook Art Prize 2023.


    Request available works / Join Casey's preview list.